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DHRHealth Institute for Research and Development

Centers of Excellence

The burgeoning chronic disease burden in the Rio Grande Valley is extremely high. Residents of this community have very high incidence of (among others):
Type 1 and 2 Diabetes
Cardiovascular Diseases
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NASH)
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
These clinical conditions are the harbinger of more complex and morbid diseases many of which, do not respond to established standard of care. It is for this reason and to ensure that we continue to provide the most advanced clinical care to patients in our community, the following Centers of Excellence have been established at DHR Health. These Centers of Excellence not only provide the most cutting-edge clinical care but are also engaged in innovative clinical research and outstanding education and training. Excellence in this triple mission is the hallmark of these Centers of Excellence:
Comprehensive Center of Excellence in Neurosciences:
The Comprehensive Center of Excellence in Neurosciences was recently designated as a Joint Commission’s Comprehensive Stroke Center which is critical for residents in the Rio Grande Valley in providing the most advanced and state-of-the-art medical and surgical care for all patients who suffer a stroke.

Required for this designation is the engagement of the Center in state-of-the-art clinical research, which brings innovative treatment options for our patients. Along with 17 other major institutions across the country, physicians in the Center are involved in clinical research (C3FIT) that is funded by Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) and is anticipated to radically change the post-discharge care of patients treated for stroke.

To learn more about clinical trials in this Center, please go to this webpage: Clinical Trial Search Page
Comprehensive Center Of Excellence In Diabetes:
This one-of-a-kind Center of Excellence is a national and regional leader in combating diabetes and its inherent complications through cutting-edge clinical care, outstanding research and effective educational programs.

To learn more about clinical trials in this Center, please go to this webpage: Clinical Trial Search Page
Comprehensive Center Of Excellence In Trauma:
After much planning and investment and recognizing the acute need in the Valley, on May 01, 2019, DHR Health announced its strategic vision to start functioning as a Level 1 Trauma Center.

In addition to providing outstanding clinical care, inherent in this strategic plan is the requirement by the American College of Surgeons for engagement in clinical research that is most beneficial to the community.

To learn more about clinical trials in this Center, please go to this webpage: Clinical Trial Search Page
Comprehensive Center Of Excellence In Liver Diseases:
The prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver (NASH) is extremely high in the residents of the Valley. There are many factors that are responsible for the high prevalence of NASH in our community and contributes directly to the higher incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) observed in the Valley.

Physician-investigators in the DHR Health Institute for Research & Development are involved in a number of innovative and cutting-edge clinical trials for the treatment of NASH and HCC.

To learn more about clinical trials in this Center, please go to this webpage: Clinical Trial Search Page
Comprehensive Center Of Excellence In Cardiovascular Diseases:
The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases is extremely high in the residents of the Valley. Hypertension, cardiomyopathy, heart failure, heart attacks, peripheral vascular diseases are just few of many cardiovascular disorders that are commonly observed in our population.

In addition to providing outstanding clinical care, this Center is also involved in cutting-edge clinical research with the objective of bringing innovative treatment options for our patients.

To learn more about clinical trials in this Center, please go to this webpage: Clinical Trial Search Page
DHR Health Bariatric And Metabolic Institute:
DHR Health Bariatric And Metabolic Institute

Obesity is a burgeoning multifactorial disorder that is not only of cosmetic concern but it raises the risk of debilitating diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, etc.

In partnership with the world renowned Cleveland Clinic Bariatric and Metabolic Institute, DHR Health has established a similar state-of-the art entity here in the Valley for the benefit of the community.

Offered by this Institute are access to world-class clinical management of obesity and related diseases along with cutting edge research and education.

To learn more about clinical trials in this Center, please go to this webpage: Clinical Trial Search Page
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