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CRP-1023 Protocol Implementation

CRP-1023 Protocol Implementation

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
10.00551166984{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.00551168352require( '/home/ ).../index.php:17
31.108192945424require_once( '/home/ ).../wp-blog-header.php:19
41.119495117672include( '/home/ ).../template-loader.php:106
51.119595117672wp_head( ).../oxygen-main-template.php:10
61.119695117672do_action( $hook_name = 'wp_head' ).../general-template.php:3052
71.119695118048WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
81.119695118048WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
91.151295665920oxy_print_cached_css( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
101.151695714416do_action( $hook_name = 'ct_builder_start' ).../component-init.php:1273
111.151695714792WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
121.151695714792WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
131.151695715544ct_templates_buffer_start( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
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221.3215107292104Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_List->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":11,"ct_parent":9,"selector":"_dynamic_list-11-1918","original":{"wp_query":"custom","query_post_types":["policy"],"query_taxonomies_any":["policy_category,62"],"query_taxonomies_all":[],"query_authors":[],"listrendertype":"1","query_order_by":"menu_order","display":"grid","grid-column-count":"2"},"nicename":"Repeater (#11)","activeselector":false,"ct_depth":"3","media":{"phone-portrait":{"original":{"display":"grid","grid-column-count":"1"}}}}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 12, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4]], $name = 'oxy_dynamic_list' ).../templates.php:76
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'border-top-right-radius-unit' => 'px', 'border-top-left-radius-unit' => 'px', 'border-bottom-right-radius-unit' => 'px', 'border-bottom-left-radius-unit' => 'px', 'opacity' => '', 'transition-duration' => '', 'transition-duration-unit' => 's', 'transition-timing-function' => '', 'transition-delay' => '', 'transition-delay-unit' => 's', 'transition-property' => '', 'filter-amount-blur' => '', 'filter-amount-brightness' => '', ...], $content = [0 => ['id' => 76, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 6], 1 => ['id' => 78, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 6]] ).../oxygen.element.class.php:138
281.3499107745176do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 76, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 6], 1 => ['id' => 78, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 6]] ).../lightbox.php:283
291.3538107746720CT_DIV_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":78,"ct_parent":75,"selector":"div_block-78-1918","nicename":"Div (#2838)","ct_depth":"6"}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 79, 'name' => 'ct_code_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 7]], $name = 'ct_div_block' ).../templates.php:76
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311.3550107786552CT_Code_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":79,"ct_parent":78,"selector":"code_block-79-1918","original":{"code-php":"<?php\\n\\t$pdfURL = do_shortcode(\\"\\");\\n\\techo do_shortcode(\\"[pdf-embedder url=\'\\".$pdfURL.\\"\']\\");\\n?>"},"nicename":"Code Block (#2810)","activeselector":false,"ct_depth":7,"classes":["w-full"],"ct_content":""}'], $content = '', $name = 'ct_code_block' ).../templates.php:76
321.3560107826896eval( '/home/ : eval()'d code ).../code-block.class.php:133
331.3560107826896do_shortcode( $content = '', $ignore_html = ??? ).../code-block.class.php(133) : eval()'d code:2
341.3561107850640preg_replace_callback( $pattern = '/\\[(\\[?)(oxygen)(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*+(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*+)*+)\\[\\/\\2\\])?)(\\]?)/', $callback = 'do_shortcode_tag', $subject = '' ).../shortcodes.php:273
351.3561107851536do_shortcode_tag( $m = [0 => '', 1 => '', 2 => 'oxygen', 3 => ' ct_sign_sha256=\'164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc\' data=\'custom_acf_content\' settings_path=\'policy_file\' settings_page=\'false\' ', 4 => '', 5 => '', 6 => ''] ).../shortcodes.php:273
361.3562107852408Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_vsb_dynamic_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'], $content = '', 'oxygen' ).../shortcodes.php:433
371.3562107852784Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_custom( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:72
381.3562107852824oxygen_acf_integration->acf_content_handler( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:461
[pdf-embedder url='']
CRP-1024 Inspections by Regulatory Authorities

CRP-1024 Inspections by Regulatory Authorities

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
10.00551166984{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.00551168352require( '/home/ ).../index.php:17
31.108192945424require_once( '/home/ ).../wp-blog-header.php:19
41.119495117672include( '/home/ ).../template-loader.php:106
51.119595117672wp_head( ).../oxygen-main-template.php:10
61.119695117672do_action( $hook_name = 'wp_head' ).../general-template.php:3052
71.119695118048WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
81.119695118048WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
91.151295665920oxy_print_cached_css( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
101.151695714416do_action( $hook_name = 'ct_builder_start' ).../component-init.php:1273
111.151695714792WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
121.151695714792WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
131.151695715544ct_templates_buffer_start( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
141.151695717272ct_template_output( $as_shortcodes = ??? ).../templates.php:183
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161.3090107022152CT_Inner_Content->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":21,"ct_parent":0,"selector":"inner_content-21-2731","nicename":"Inner Content (#21)","ct_depth":1}'], $content = '', $name = 'ct_inner_content' ).../templates.php:76
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191.3171107249392do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 5, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 2], 1 => ['id' => 9, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 2]] ).../section.class.php:70
201.3205107251800CT_DIV_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":9,"ct_parent":4,"selector":"div_block-9-1918","nicename":"Div (#9)","classes":["w-full"],"activeselector":"w-full","ct_depth":"2"}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 11, 'name' => 'oxy_dynamic_list', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 3]], $name = 'ct_div_block' ).../templates.php:76
211.3215107287632do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 11, 'name' => 'oxy_dynamic_list', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 3]] ).../div-block.class.php:48
221.3215107292104Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_List->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":11,"ct_parent":9,"selector":"_dynamic_list-11-1918","original":{"wp_query":"custom","query_post_types":["policy"],"query_taxonomies_any":["policy_category,62"],"query_taxonomies_all":[],"query_authors":[],"listrendertype":"1","query_order_by":"menu_order","display":"grid","grid-column-count":"2"},"nicename":"Repeater (#11)","activeselector":false,"ct_depth":"3","media":{"phone-portrait":{"original":{"display":"grid","grid-column-count":"1"}}}}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 12, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4]], $name = 'oxy_dynamic_list' ).../templates.php:76
231.3652107695416do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 12, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4]] ).../dynamic-list.class.php:888
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CRP-1025 Quality Control/Quality Assurance Audits

CRP-1025 Quality Control/Quality Assurance Audits

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
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CRP-1036 Clinical Trial Personnel Qualifications

CRP-1036 Clinical Trial Personnel Qualifications

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
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361.3937107990704Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_vsb_dynamic_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'], $content = '', 'oxygen' ).../shortcodes.php:433
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381.3938107991120oxygen_acf_integration->acf_content_handler( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:461
[pdf-embedder url='']
CRP-1037 Clinical Trial Unblinding: VRC705

CRP-1037 Clinical Trial Unblinding: VRC705

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
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361.4049108041120Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_vsb_dynamic_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'], $content = '', 'oxygen' ).../shortcodes.php:433
371.4049108041496Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_custom( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:72
381.4049108041536oxygen_acf_integration->acf_content_handler( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:461
[pdf-embedder url='']
CRP-1001 Clinical Research Process

CRP-1001 Clinical Research Process

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
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20.00551168352require( '/home/ ).../index.php:17
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CRP-1002 Authorship Guidelines Policy

CRP-1002 Authorship Guidelines Policy

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
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CRP-1006 Education & Training

CRP-1006 Education & Training

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
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CRP-1008 Roles & Responsibilities of Investigators and Research Staff

CRP-1008 Roles & Responsibilities of Investigators and Research Staff

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341.4498108235544preg_replace_callback( $pattern = '/\\[(\\[?)(oxygen)(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*+(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*+)*+)\\[\\/\\2\\])?)(\\]?)/', $callback = 'do_shortcode_tag', $subject = '' ).../shortcodes.php:273
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361.4498108237312Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_vsb_dynamic_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'], $content = '', 'oxygen' ).../shortcodes.php:433
371.4499108237688Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_custom( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:72
381.4499108237728oxygen_acf_integration->acf_content_handler( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:461
[pdf-embedder url='']
CRP-1010 Intellectual Property Policy

CRP-1010 Intellectual Property Policy

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
10.00551166984{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.00551168352require( '/home/ ).../index.php:17
31.108192945424require_once( '/home/ ).../wp-blog-header.php:19
41.119495117672include( '/home/ ).../template-loader.php:106
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71.119695118048WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
81.119695118048WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
91.151295665920oxy_print_cached_css( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
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111.151695714792WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
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321.4611108259096eval( '/home/ : eval()'d code ).../code-block.class.php:133
331.4611108259096do_shortcode( $content = '', $ignore_html = ??? ).../code-block.class.php(133) : eval()'d code:2
341.4611108282840preg_replace_callback( $pattern = '/\\[(\\[?)(oxygen)(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*+(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*+)*+)\\[\\/\\2\\])?)(\\]?)/', $callback = 'do_shortcode_tag', $subject = '' ).../shortcodes.php:273
351.4611108283736do_shortcode_tag( $m = [0 => '', 1 => '', 2 => 'oxygen', 3 => ' ct_sign_sha256=\'164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc\' data=\'custom_acf_content\' settings_path=\'policy_file\' settings_page=\'false\' ', 4 => '', 5 => '', 6 => ''] ).../shortcodes.php:273
361.4612108284608Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_vsb_dynamic_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'], $content = '', 'oxygen' ).../shortcodes.php:433
371.4612108284984Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_custom( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:72
381.4612108285024oxygen_acf_integration->acf_content_handler( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:461
[pdf-embedder url='']
CRP-1012 Providing Emergency Medical Care to Clinical Trial Participants

CRP-1012 Providing Emergency Medical Care to Clinical Trial Participants

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
10.00551166984{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.00551168352require( '/home/ ).../index.php:17
31.108192945424require_once( '/home/ ).../wp-blog-header.php:19
41.119495117672include( '/home/ ).../template-loader.php:106
51.119595117672wp_head( ).../oxygen-main-template.php:10
61.119695117672do_action( $hook_name = 'wp_head' ).../general-template.php:3052
71.119695118048WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
81.119695118048WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
91.151295665920oxy_print_cached_css( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
101.151695714416do_action( $hook_name = 'ct_builder_start' ).../component-init.php:1273
111.151695714792WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
121.151695714792WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
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CRP-1013 Clinical Data Management

CRP-1013 Clinical Data Management

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
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CRP-1014 Electronic Data Management Systems

CRP-1014 Electronic Data Management Systems

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
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291.4937108350072CT_DIV_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":78,"ct_parent":75,"selector":"div_block-78-1918","nicename":"Div (#2838)","ct_depth":"6"}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 79, 'name' => 'ct_code_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 7]], $name = 'ct_div_block' ).../templates.php:76
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321.4943108403896eval( '/home/ : eval()'d code ).../code-block.class.php:133
331.4943108403896do_shortcode( $content = '', $ignore_html = ??? ).../code-block.class.php(133) : eval()'d code:2
341.4944108427640preg_replace_callback( $pattern = '/\\[(\\[?)(oxygen)(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*+(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*+)*+)\\[\\/\\2\\])?)(\\]?)/', $callback = 'do_shortcode_tag', $subject = '' ).../shortcodes.php:273
351.4944108428536do_shortcode_tag( $m = [0 => '', 1 => '', 2 => 'oxygen', 3 => ' ct_sign_sha256=\'164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc\' data=\'custom_acf_content\' settings_path=\'policy_file\' settings_page=\'false\' ', 4 => '', 5 => '', 6 => ''] ).../shortcodes.php:273
361.4944108429408Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_vsb_dynamic_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'], $content = '', 'oxygen' ).../shortcodes.php:433
371.4945108429784Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_custom( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:72
381.4945108429824oxygen_acf_integration->acf_content_handler( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:461
[pdf-embedder url='']
CRP-1015 Study Start Up

CRP-1015 Study Start Up

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
10.00551166984{main}( ).../index.php:0
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321.5049108450584eval( '/home/ : eval()'d code ).../code-block.class.php:133
331.5049108450584do_shortcode( $content = '', $ignore_html = ??? ).../code-block.class.php(133) : eval()'d code:2
341.5050108474328preg_replace_callback( $pattern = '/\\[(\\[?)(oxygen)(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*+(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*+)*+)\\[\\/\\2\\])?)(\\]?)/', $callback = 'do_shortcode_tag', $subject = '' ).../shortcodes.php:273
351.5050108475224do_shortcode_tag( $m = [0 => '', 1 => '', 2 => 'oxygen', 3 => ' ct_sign_sha256=\'164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc\' data=\'custom_acf_content\' settings_path=\'policy_file\' settings_page=\'false\' ', 4 => '', 5 => '', 6 => ''] ).../shortcodes.php:273
361.5050108476096Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_vsb_dynamic_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'], $content = '', 'oxygen' ).../shortcodes.php:433
371.5051108476472Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_custom( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:72
381.5051108476512oxygen_acf_integration->acf_content_handler( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:461
[pdf-embedder url='']
CRP-1021 Project Accounting

CRP-1021 Project Accounting

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
10.00551166984{main}( ).../index.php:0
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331.5169108501528do_shortcode( $content = '', $ignore_html = ??? ).../code-block.class.php(133) : eval()'d code:2
341.5170108525272preg_replace_callback( $pattern = '/\\[(\\[?)(oxygen)(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*+(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*+)*+)\\[\\/\\2\\])?)(\\]?)/', $callback = 'do_shortcode_tag', $subject = '' ).../shortcodes.php:273
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371.5171108527416Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_custom( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:72
381.5171108527456oxygen_acf_integration->acf_content_handler( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:461
[pdf-embedder url='']
CRP-1022 Project Management

CRP-1022 Project Management

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
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91.151295665920oxy_print_cached_css( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
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Research Compliance

CRP-1042 Management of the Office of Human Research Protection Program and IRB

CRP-1042 Management of the Office of Human Research Protection Program and IRB

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
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CRP-1043 Institutional Review Board Committee Membership

CRP-1043 Institutional Review Board Committee Membership

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
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321.6382109330792eval( '/home/ : eval()'d code ).../code-block.class.php:133
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341.6383109354536preg_replace_callback( $pattern = '/\\[(\\[?)(oxygen)(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*+(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*+)*+)\\[\\/\\2\\])?)(\\]?)/', $callback = 'do_shortcode_tag', $subject = '' ).../shortcodes.php:273
351.6383109355432do_shortcode_tag( $m = [0 => '', 1 => '', 2 => 'oxygen', 3 => ' ct_sign_sha256=\'164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc\' data=\'custom_acf_content\' settings_path=\'policy_file\' settings_page=\'false\' ', 4 => '', 5 => '', 6 => ''] ).../shortcodes.php:273
361.6383109356304Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_vsb_dynamic_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'], $content = '', 'oxygen' ).../shortcodes.php:433
371.6384109356680Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_custom( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:72
381.6384109356720oxygen_acf_integration->acf_content_handler( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:461
[pdf-embedder url='']
CRP-1044 Considerations for Special Subject Populations

CRP-1044 Considerations for Special Subject Populations

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
10.00551166984{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.00551168352require( '/home/ ).../index.php:17
31.108192945424require_once( '/home/ ).../wp-blog-header.php:19
41.119495117672include( '/home/ ).../template-loader.php:106
51.119595117672wp_head( ).../oxygen-main-template.php:10
61.119695117672do_action( $hook_name = 'wp_head' ).../general-template.php:3052
71.119695118048WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
81.119695118048WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
91.151295665920oxy_print_cached_css( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
101.151695714416do_action( $hook_name = 'ct_builder_start' ).../component-init.php:1273
111.151695714792WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
121.151695714792WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
131.151695715544ct_templates_buffer_start( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
141.151695717272ct_template_output( $as_shortcodes = ??? ).../templates.php:183
151.154395992112do_oxygen_elements( $node = ['id' => 0, 'name' => 'root', 'depth' => 0, 'children' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...]], 'meta_keys' => [0 => 'oxygen_lock_post_edit_mode']] ).../templates.php:109
161.3090107022152CT_Inner_Content->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":21,"ct_parent":0,"selector":"inner_content-21-2731","nicename":"Inner Content (#21)","ct_depth":1}'], $content = '', $name = 'ct_inner_content' ).../templates.php:76
171.3102107206304do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'ct_section', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 1], 1 => ['id' => 4, 'name' => 'ct_section', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 1], 2 => ['id' => 83, 'name' => 'ct_section', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 1], 3 => ['id' => 103, 'name' => 'ct_section', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 1]] ).../inner-content.class.php:62
181.5835108746928CT_Section->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":83,"ct_parent":0,"selector":"section-83-1918","nicename":"Section (#4)","ct_depth":1,"classes":["bb-2","border-color-light"],"activeselector":"border-color-light"}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 84, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 2], 1 => ['id' => 87, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 2]], $name = 'ct_section' ).../templates.php:76
191.5853108783568do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 84, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 2], 1 => ['id' => 87, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 2]] ).../section.class.php:70
201.5889108785640CT_DIV_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":87,"ct_parent":83,"selector":"div_block-87-1918","nicename":"Div (#9)","classes":["w-full"],"ct_depth":"2"}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 88, 'name' => 'oxy_dynamic_list', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 3]], $name = 'ct_div_block' ).../templates.php:76
211.5900108821472do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 88, 'name' => 'oxy_dynamic_list', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 3]] ).../div-block.class.php:48
221.5900108825944Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_List->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":88,"ct_parent":87,"selector":"_dynamic_list-88-1918","original":{"wp_query":"custom","query_post_types":["policy"],"query_taxonomies_any":["policy_category,63"],"query_taxonomies_all":[],"query_authors":[],"listrendertype":"1","query_order_by":"menu_order","display":"grid","grid-column-count":"2"},"nicename":"Repeater (#11)","activeselector":false,"ct_depth":"3","media":{"phone-portrait":{"original":{"display":"grid","grid-column-count":"1"}}}}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 89, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 4]], $name = 'oxy_dynamic_list' ).../templates.php:76
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241.6441109202912CT_DIV_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":89,"ct_parent":88,"selector":"div_block-89-1918","nicename":"Div (#12)","ct_depth":"4"}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 90, 'name' => 'ct_link', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 5], 1 => ['id' => 97, 'name' => 'oxy-lightbox', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 5]], $name = 'ct_div_block' ).../templates.php:76
251.6444109238816do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 90, 'name' => 'ct_link', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 5], 1 => ['id' => 97, 'name' => 'oxy-lightbox', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 5]] ).../div-block.class.php:48
261.6469109244112OxygenElement->shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":97,"ct_parent":89,"selector":"-lightbox-97-1918","original":{"oxy-lightbox_content_type":"inline","oxy-lightbox_element_selector":".cv-lightbox","oxy-lightbox_inline_content":"inner","oxy-lightbox_click_selector":".policy-link","--extras-lightbox-builder-visibility":"none","--extras-lightbox-content-bg":"#ffffff","--extras-lightbox-width":"700"},"nicename":"Lightbox (#2778)","activeselector":false,"ct_depth":5}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 98, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 6], 1 => ['id' => 101, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 6]], $name = 'oxy-lightbox' ).../templates.php:76
271.6484109320784ExtraLightbox->render( $options = ['__extras_lightbox_builder_visibility' => 'none', 'content_type' => 'inline', 'custom_click_selector' => '.lightbox', 'force_type' => 'auto', 'inline_content' => 'inner', 'custom_html' => 'Some text here..', 'click_selector' => '.policy-link', 'url' => '/my-page/', 'ajax_selector' => '.content', 'force_ajax_selector' => '.content', 'maybe_iframe_selector' => 'false', 'iframe_selector' => '.content', 'force_maybe_iframe_selector' => 'false', 'force_iframe_selector' => '.content', 'maybe_multiple' => 'false', 'maybe_loop' => 'false', 'maybe_swipe' => 'false', 'background_color' => '', 'background_image' => '', 'background_size' => 'auto', 'background_repeat' => 'repeat', 'background_attachment' => 'scroll', 'overlay_color' => '', 'background_size_width' => '', 'background_size_height' => '', 'background_size_width_unit' => 'px', 'background_size_height_unit' => 'px', 'background_position_top' => '', 'background_position_left' => '', 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'border-top-right-radius-unit' => 'px', 'border-top-left-radius-unit' => 'px', 'border-bottom-right-radius-unit' => 'px', 'border-bottom-left-radius-unit' => 'px', 'opacity' => '', 'transition-duration' => '', 'transition-duration-unit' => 's', 'transition-timing-function' => '', 'transition-delay' => '', 'transition-delay-unit' => 's', 'transition-property' => '', 'filter-amount-blur' => '', 'filter-amount-brightness' => '', ...], $content = [0 => ['id' => 98, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 6], 1 => ['id' => 101, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 6]] ).../oxygen.element.class.php:138
281.6486109321984do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 98, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 6], 1 => ['id' => 101, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 6]] ).../lightbox.php:283
291.6499109323480CT_DIV_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":101,"ct_parent":97,"selector":"div_block-101-1918","nicename":"Div (#2838)","ct_depth":"6"}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 102, 'name' => 'ct_code_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 7]], $name = 'ct_div_block' ).../templates.php:76
301.6501109358840do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 102, 'name' => 'ct_code_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 7]] ).../div-block.class.php:48
311.6501109363312CT_Code_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":102,"ct_parent":101,"selector":"code_block-102-1918","original":{"code-php":"<?php\\n\\t$pdfURL = do_shortcode(\\"\\");\\n\\techo do_shortcode(\\"[pdf-embedder url=\'\\".$pdfURL.\\"\']\\");\\n?>"},"nicename":"Code Block (#2810)","activeselector":false,"ct_depth":7,"classes":["w-full"],"ct_content":""}'], $content = '', $name = 'ct_code_block' ).../templates.php:76
321.6504109377304eval( '/home/ : eval()'d code ).../code-block.class.php:133
331.6504109377304do_shortcode( $content = '', $ignore_html = ??? ).../code-block.class.php(133) : eval()'d code:2
341.6505109401048preg_replace_callback( $pattern = '/\\[(\\[?)(oxygen)(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*+(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*+)*+)\\[\\/\\2\\])?)(\\]?)/', $callback = 'do_shortcode_tag', $subject = '' ).../shortcodes.php:273
351.6505109401944do_shortcode_tag( $m = [0 => '', 1 => '', 2 => 'oxygen', 3 => ' ct_sign_sha256=\'164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc\' data=\'custom_acf_content\' settings_path=\'policy_file\' settings_page=\'false\' ', 4 => '', 5 => '', 6 => ''] ).../shortcodes.php:273
361.6505109402816Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_vsb_dynamic_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'], $content = '', 'oxygen' ).../shortcodes.php:433
371.6505109403192Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_custom( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:72
381.6506109403232oxygen_acf_integration->acf_content_handler( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:461
[pdf-embedder url='']
CRP-1045 Reporting of IRB Determinations

CRP-1045 Reporting of IRB Determinations

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
10.00551166984{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.00551168352require( '/home/ ).../index.php:17
31.108192945424require_once( '/home/ ).../wp-blog-header.php:19
41.119495117672include( '/home/ ).../template-loader.php:106
51.119595117672wp_head( ).../oxygen-main-template.php:10
61.119695117672do_action( $hook_name = 'wp_head' ).../general-template.php:3052
71.119695118048WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
81.119695118048WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
91.151295665920oxy_print_cached_css( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
101.151695714416do_action( $hook_name = 'ct_builder_start' ).../component-init.php:1273
111.151695714792WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
121.151695714792WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
131.151695715544ct_templates_buffer_start( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
141.151695717272ct_template_output( $as_shortcodes = ??? ).../templates.php:183
151.154395992112do_oxygen_elements( $node = ['id' => 0, 'name' => 'root', 'depth' => 0, 'children' => [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...]], 'meta_keys' => [0 => 'oxygen_lock_post_edit_mode']] ).../templates.php:109
161.3090107022152CT_Inner_Content->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":21,"ct_parent":0,"selector":"inner_content-21-2731","nicename":"Inner Content (#21)","ct_depth":1}'], $content = '', $name = 'ct_inner_content' ).../templates.php:76
171.3102107206304do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'ct_section', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 1], 1 => ['id' => 4, 'name' => 'ct_section', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 1], 2 => ['id' => 83, 'name' => 'ct_section', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 1], 3 => ['id' => 103, 'name' => 'ct_section', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 1]] ).../inner-content.class.php:62
181.5835108746928CT_Section->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":83,"ct_parent":0,"selector":"section-83-1918","nicename":"Section (#4)","ct_depth":1,"classes":["bb-2","border-color-light"],"activeselector":"border-color-light"}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 84, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 2], 1 => ['id' => 87, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 2]], $name = 'ct_section' ).../templates.php:76
191.5853108783568do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 84, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 2], 1 => ['id' => 87, 'name' => 'ct_div_block', 'options' => [...], 'children' => [...], 'depth' => 2]] ).../section.class.php:70
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CRP-1046 Suspensions and Terminations

CRP-1046 Suspensions and Terminations

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
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CRP-1008 Roles & Responsibilities of Investigators and Research Staff

CRP-1008 Roles & Responsibilities of Investigators and Research Staff

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Call Stack
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291.6826109470888CT_DIV_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":101,"ct_parent":97,"selector":"div_block-101-1918","nicename":"Div (#2838)","ct_depth":"6"}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 102, 'name' => 'ct_code_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 7]], $name = 'ct_div_block' ).../templates.php:76
301.6829109506248do_oxygen_elements( $node = [0 => ['id' => 102, 'name' => 'ct_code_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 7]] ).../div-block.class.php:48
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321.6832109524712eval( '/home/ : eval()'d code ).../code-block.class.php:133
331.6832109524712do_shortcode( $content = '', $ignore_html = ??? ).../code-block.class.php(133) : eval()'d code:2
341.6833109548456preg_replace_callback( $pattern = '/\\[(\\[?)(oxygen)(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*+(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*+)*+)\\[\\/\\2\\])?)(\\]?)/', $callback = 'do_shortcode_tag', $subject = '' ).../shortcodes.php:273
351.6833109549352do_shortcode_tag( $m = [0 => '', 1 => '', 2 => 'oxygen', 3 => ' ct_sign_sha256=\'164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc\' data=\'custom_acf_content\' settings_path=\'policy_file\' settings_page=\'false\' ', 4 => '', 5 => '', 6 => ''] ).../shortcodes.php:273
361.6833109550224Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_vsb_dynamic_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'], $content = '', 'oxygen' ).../shortcodes.php:433
371.6833109550600Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_custom( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:72
381.6833109550640oxygen_acf_integration->acf_content_handler( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:461
[pdf-embedder url='']
CRP-1047 IRB Recordkeeping and Retention

CRP-1047 IRB Recordkeeping and Retention

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
10.00551166984{main}( ).../index.php:0
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51.119595117672wp_head( ).../oxygen-main-template.php:10
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81.119695118048WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
91.151295665920oxy_print_cached_css( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
101.151695714416do_action( $hook_name = 'ct_builder_start' ).../component-init.php:1273
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291.6907109511904CT_DIV_Block->add_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_options' => '{"ct_id":101,"ct_parent":97,"selector":"div_block-101-1918","nicename":"Div (#2838)","ct_depth":"6"}'], $content = [0 => ['id' => 102, 'name' => 'ct_code_block', 'options' => [...], 'depth' => 7]], $name = 'ct_div_block' ).../templates.php:76
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321.6913109565728eval( '/home/ : eval()'d code ).../code-block.class.php:133
331.6913109565728do_shortcode( $content = '', $ignore_html = ??? ).../code-block.class.php(133) : eval()'d code:2
341.6914109589472preg_replace_callback( $pattern = '/\\[(\\[?)(oxygen)(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*+(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*+)*+)\\[\\/\\2\\])?)(\\]?)/', $callback = 'do_shortcode_tag', $subject = '' ).../shortcodes.php:273
351.6914109590368do_shortcode_tag( $m = [0 => '', 1 => '', 2 => 'oxygen', 3 => ' ct_sign_sha256=\'164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc\' data=\'custom_acf_content\' settings_path=\'policy_file\' settings_page=\'false\' ', 4 => '', 5 => '', 6 => ''] ).../shortcodes.php:273
361.6914109591240Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_vsb_dynamic_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'], $content = '', 'oxygen' ).../shortcodes.php:433
371.6915109591616Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_custom( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:72
381.6915109591656oxygen_acf_integration->acf_content_handler( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'] ).../oxygen-dynamic-shortcodes.php:461
[pdf-embedder url='']
CRP-1024 Inspections by Regulatory Authorities

CRP-1024 Inspections by Regulatory Authorities

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
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[pdf-embedder url='']
CRP-1048 Reporting Concerns and Undue Influence

CRP-1048 Reporting Concerns and Undue Influence

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
10.00551166984{main}( ).../index.php:0
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CRP-1005 Clinical Research Program Signatory Authority

CRP-1005 Clinical Research Program Signatory Authority

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
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CRP-1049 Reliance Mechanisms

CRP-1049 Reliance Mechanisms

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
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361.7318109775632Oxygen_VSB_Dynamic_Shortcodes->oxygen_vsb_dynamic_shortcode( $atts = ['ct_sign_sha256' => '164296a74567aad0cb9827f75ae287fb43e4f07a378c563f1c46ab3702fef1bc', 'data' => 'custom_acf_content', 'settings_path' => 'policy_file', 'settings_page' => 'false'], $content = '', 'oxygen' ).../shortcodes.php:433
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[pdf-embedder url='']
CRP-1007 Essential Documents for the Conduct of a Clinical Trial

CRP-1007 Essential Documents for the Conduct of a Clinical Trial

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
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[pdf-embedder url='']
CRP-1056 Institutional Review Board General Procedures

CRP-1056 Institutional Review Board General Procedures

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
10.00551166984{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.00551168352require( '/home/ ).../index.php:17
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341.7540109870840preg_replace_callback( $pattern = '/\\[(\\[?)(oxygen)(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*+(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*+)*+)\\[\\/\\2\\])?)(\\]?)/', $callback = 'do_shortcode_tag', $subject = '' ).../shortcodes.php:273
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CRP-1009 Conflict of Interest for Clinical Investigators

CRP-1009 Conflict of Interest for Clinical Investigators

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "output_type" in /home/ on line 735
Call Stack
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